Muhurtha Vairam – Diamond buying made easy!
Looking for an easy, smart or convenient way to own the jewellery you love? Explore EF-IF’s “Muhurtha Vairam” Diamond Jewellery Savings Plan right away!
Get your wish-list ready, for affordable jewellery is now within your reach.
Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Select a plan of your choice (Savings value range from 5,000 – 25,000 & above)
Step 2: Pay monthly installments as per your plan for 11 months (Pay through our App, UPI, Net Banking or Post-Dated Cheques)
Step 3: Get the 12th month installment free! EF-IF will invest for you.
Step 4: Fill up a simple form with your details.
Step 5: As per your plan’s redeemable value, buy EF-IF’s choicest diamond jewellery after 12 months! (Visit our store or buy online on our website)
Looking for that extra happiness?
- Add a cherry to your pie! Get a Diamond Nose-Pin as a complimentary gift for joining our scheme.
- Avail a bonus of one month’s payment in your savings plan, EF-IF sponsors it for you.
- Not in Chennai? Nothing’s keeping you from selecting your diamonds - We’re just a video call away!
Why ‘Muhurtha Vairam’?
- Plan, Save, Invest, Reap. It’s a safe, secure and smart route to purchase your diamond jewellery.
- No more digging deep into pockets. Affordable, quality diamonds are now yours to treasure & enjoy!
- Sow your seed, reap your harvest. A marriage? Daughter’s 18th birthday? Wedding anniversary? Indulge happily in a long-cherished dream of buying diamonds for that special occasion.
It’s as simple as it seems! To invest in our Savings Plan, Download our App below:
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